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Child protection

Core team Trauma- Surgery

In interdisciplinary collaboration with the core teams of the pediatric clinic, pediatric gynecology, and pediatric surgery, the Department of Trauma Surgery conducts assessments in cases of suspected physical abuse and neglect. The child protection group consists of clinic staff from various specialized areas with extensive experience in the field of "child protection."


Head Monika Luxl (specialist for trauma-surgery)

Patient care 
Head: Gabriele Imhof
Deputy head: Michaela Fachathaler

Mag.a Seyma ERGÜN

Forensic medicine
Ass. Prof. Nikolaus Klupp

Our mission

  • Investigation in case of suspected physical abuse and/or neglect.
  • Medical and psychosocial support for children, adolescents, and parents affected by the issue.
  • Networking with various counseling institutions such as family counseling centers, crisis centers, youth welfare office
  • Collegial consultation (exchange of expertise between different institutions)
  • Organization of internal and external training courses

You can contact us if you:

  • are unsure about the professional assessment of a symptom
  • Are a pediatrician in private practice and want to refer a child at risk or affected for further clarification or care
  • Would like to take advantage of advice regarding outpatient help
  • Have questions and interest in the topic