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Prices 2023

  • Antoni A: Fellowship Ortho Trauma Fellowship: Pelvis & Acetabulum Fracture Reconstr, University of Cape Town Austrian Society of Surgery (ÖGCH) 2023
  • Bumberger A: Abstract Prize ("Planning of a double-level osteotomy for varus deformity") 71st VSOU Annual Meeting, Baden-Baden
  • Direder M: Research Promotion Award Erste Bank/Ärztekammer 2023
  • Direder M: Anton Luger dissertation prize ÖGDV 2023
  • Kleiner A: QKG Travel-Fellowship Qualitätskreis Knorpel-Repair & Gelenkerhalt e.V. 2023
  • Scheider P: 1st place lecture award OT Congress 2023
  • Tiefenböck T: Hip ASK Fellowship AGA 2023

Prices 2022

  • Antoni A: Travel grant from the Austrian Society for Trauma Surgery (ÖGU) for the ECTES (European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery) in Oslo, Norway 2022 for the abstract "Management of Traumatic Brain Injury in Patients with DOAC Therapy-Are the "New" Oral Anticoagulants Really Safer?"
  • Antoni A: Visiting Fellowship of the Austrian Society of Surgery (ÖGCH) for the 12-month fellowship "Orthopedic Trauma Fellowship: Pelvis & Acetabulum Fracture Reconstruction", University of Cape Town, South Africa 2023
  • Casado Losada I: Best Presentation Young Investigator Award - Austrian Cluster for Tissue Regeneration
  • Haider T: Open Access Grant, 2nd place - Austrian Society for Trauma Surgery (ÖGU)
  • Haider T: Clinical Fellowship - Bone Infection and Tumor Service, Royal Orthopaedic Hospital Birmingham, UK - NHS
  • Heisinger S: AO Spine Fellowship 'Ostschweizer Wirbelsäulenzentrum St. Gallen' - AO Foundation
  • Heisinger S: Scientific Award Online Videos as a Source of Physiotherapy Exercise Tutorials for Patients with Lumbar Disc Herniation-A Quality Assessment -Austrian Society for Spine Surgery
  • Holzer S: Project Award - Assessment of bone structure in long-term heart transplantation recipients - Austrian Society for Bone and Mineral Metabolism
  • Kleiner A: Austrian Fellowship for Traumatology 2022 - Austrian Society for Trauma Surgery (ÖGU)
  • Popp D: Project Award - Bone metabolism and microarchitecture in Hemophilia - Patients after Total Knee Replacement - Austrian Society for Bone and Mineral Metabolism

Prices 2021

  • Casado Losada I: Best Poster Presentation 2nd Prize, Young Scientist Association (YSA)
  • Casado Losada I: Science Art Competition, Young Scientist Association (YSA)
  • Fürsatz M: Award for the best poster presentation, TERMIS 2021
  • Hobusch: GM Research Promotion Award of the Austrian Musculoskeletal Oncology Society (AMSOS) 2020/2021: Electronically Patient Reported Outcomes (EPROS) Analysis in Patients with Musculoskeletal Sarcomas.
  • Morgenbesser R: AUB Science Poster Award. Annual Meeting of the Austrian Association for Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Floor Surgery (AUB)
  • Nürnberger S: Battle for the topic "Scaffolds" at the EORS 15.-17.9.2021, Rome/Italy Willegger M, Karin Hebenstreit, Martin Zalaudek, Alexander Kolb, Reinhard Windhager, Catharina Chiari, 1st Poster Prize, Use of the bimalleolar method shows the highest reliability in measuring tibial torsion on paediatric rotational MRI, Vereinigung für Kinderorthopädie (VKO), Graz, Austria, October 2021
  • Zak L: 2nd place of the ÖGU Award for Open Access Publications "Third generation Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation at the knee joint using the Igo® scaffold - a case series

Prices 2020

  • Dr. Thomas Haider, PhD: AO Trauma Fellowship
  • Dr. Thomas Haider, PhD: Open Access Grant of the Austrian Society for Trauma Surgery
  • DDr. Gabriel Halát: Grand Rounds Award "Docere cum Laude" Medical University of Vienna - Grand Rounds
  • Dr. Michael Humenberger: Open Access Award of the Austrian Society for Trauma Surgery, 1st place
  • Dr. Timon Moftakhar: Emanuel Trojan Poster Prize of the Austrian Society for Trauma Surgery
  • Priv.-Doz. Dr. Lukas Negrin, PhD MSc: Open Access Grant of the Austrian Society for Trauma Surgery
  • Dr. Arastoo Nia: Austrian Society for Bone and Mineral Metabolism (ÖGKM) - Project Award 2019/20 for the project: Bone metabolism, bone microarchitecture, bone marrow fat composition and vascular calcifications in men with and without type- 2 diabetes mellitus and fragility fractures
  • Dr. Sylvia Nürnberger: Researcher of the Month December 2020 of MedUni Vienna

Prices 2019

  • Dr. Rita Babeluk: Award for Research Promotion of the Austrian Society for Orthopaedics and Orthopaedic Surgery, Austrian Society for Orthopaedics and Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Dr. Gabriel Halát: Grand Rounds Award "Docere cum Laude" Medical University of Vienna - Grand Rounds
  • Dr. Gabriel Halát: Hull Deformity Course SICOT Award - Hull Deformity Course SICOT Award for the best oral presentation on Deformity of the Limb and Trauma
  • Dr. Gabriel Halát: ÖGU Science Award: Best experimental work
  • Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maximilian Kasparek, MSc: Seal of approval of the Theodor Billroth Prize, Vienna Medical Association
  • Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maximilian Kasparek, MSc: Emanuel Trojan Poster Prize, ÖGU
  • Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maximilian Kasparek, MSc: Scientific Award of the Austrian Society for Spinal Surgery 2019
  • Dr. Richard Kdolsky: Lorenz Böhler Medal ÖGU - Austrian Society for Trauma Surgery
  • Dr. Thomas Tiefenböck, MSc: SIGASCOT Fellowship - 17.11.2019-30.11.2019

Prices 2018

  • Dr. Thomas Haider, PhD: Scientific prize for the best experimental work, awarded by the ÖGU

Prices 2017

  • Priv.-Doz. Dr. Lukas Negrin, PhD, MSc: Science Prize of the Austrian Society for Trauma Surgery, awarded by the ÖGU 
  • Priv.-Doz. Dr. Lukas Negrin, PhD MSc: Günther Schlag Abstract Prize for young researchers, awarded by the ÖGU 
  • Dr. Thomas Haider, PhD: Dissertation Prize MedUni Vienna, awarded by the vfwf Association for the Promotion of Science and Research 
  • Dr. Thomas Haider, PhD: Wilhelm Auerswald Prize - 3rd place, awarded by the Society of Physicians 

Prices 2016

  • Assoc. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Marcus Hofbauer: "Teaching Oscar", awarded by the MUW Vienna

Prices 2015

  • ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Richard Kdolsky: Honorary membership of the Serbian Society for Trauma Surgery, awarded by the Serbian Society for Trauma Surgery
  • Dr. Harald Widhalm: Andlinger Travel Research Fellowship, awarded by the American Austrian Foundation
  • Dr. Stephan Payr: Günther Schlag Abstract Prize, awarded by the ÖGU
  • Dr. Thomas Haider, PhD: Erwin Domanig Prize, awarded by the Austrian Society for Blood Group Serology, Transfusion Medicine, Regenerative Medicine and Immunogenetics

Prices 2014

  • DDr. Christian Albrecht, MBA: Best experimental work, awarded by the ÖGU
  • Dr. Harald Wolf: Best clinical work, awarded by the ÖGU

Prices 2013

  • Dr. Gabriel Halat: Günther Schlag Science Prize for Young Researchers 2013, awarded by the OGÜ
  • Dr. Irena Krusche-Mandl: New Science Prize of the ÖGU, Best Clinical Work, awarded by the ÖGU
  • Assoc. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Kambiz Sarahrudi: New Science Prize of the ÖGU, Best Clinical Work, awarded by the ÜGU
  • DDr. Christian Albrecht, MBA: New Science Prize of the ÖGU, Best Experimental Work, awarded by the ÖGU

Prices 2012

  • Dr. Lukas Negrin: Great thinkers of the 21st century
  • Dr. Lukas Negrin: Marquis Who's Who in the World 2012, awarded by the 29th Edition
  • Dr. Lukas Negrin: Hippocrates Award 2012, presented by the Hippocrates Initiative for Poetry and Medicine

Prices 2011

  • Dr. Stephanie Syrè: 1st place in the "Best Paper" award Sport Orthopaedics - Sport Traumatology, awarded by Sport Orthopaedics - Sport Traumatology, Elsevier.
  • Dr. Harald Widhalm: Poster prize, awarded by the Medical University of Vienna
  • DDr. Christian Albrecht: Günther Schlag Abstract Prize, awarded by the ÖGU